Here are some publications of my works in various medias


HOMES Mauricius

Un très bel article (Anglais et Fraçais) sur mon travail, dans cet opus de ce superbe magazine d’intérieur de luxe : HOMES Mauricius


Certains de mes travaux (dessins au fusain) sélectionnés pour ce numéro 6 de GRIMOIRE.


Pratiques des Arts

I was elected the winner out of 3400 fellow artists, for the year’s contest of the best painting, with ‘Beauté cachée : Robb’. This painting, made in collaboration with Robb my friend song writer/singer, as the subject, and my friend professional photographer Mickaël Gramm. This was an amazing contest, and I was both happy and surprised to win it. The many other selected paintings are amazing too. Check it out!


Univers des Arts

My painting ‘Beauté Cachée : Robb II’ was selected by the magazine to be part of the double page (50-51) to present the ‘salon des artistes indépendants’ of the massive collective show ‘ART CAPITAL’ in Paris February 2019.


Salon des Indépendants

You’ll find me in this catalogue of the annual show in Grand Palais, Paris 2019!


Artbook 2018

Part of this collective of artists in the Charente-Maritime region.